Maintain Your Sewer System

Maintain Your Sewer System

Maintain Your Sewer System

Most people who live in a residential complex or work in an office park have no idea what a lift station is.

Believe it or not, most real estate developers I deal with don’t know what a lift station is.

Small wonder they end up paying so much extra money in fines, fees, repairs, insurance, and damage claims.

My name is Dave Bartholomew.

My company, Bartholomew Water Services, is a three-generation family business that services all of Arizona, with a special focus on Maricopa County.

So let me set you straight on something.

A lift station is a big collection vat.

It’s a hole in the ground with pumps.

All the wastewater (sewage) from, say, a condo complex flows to that vat.

The pumps lift it out of the vat (because poo-poo doesn’t levitate) and send it over a threshold where …

It gets dumped in the municipal sewer system and sent off to a recycling plant.

Every lift station is very complex.

There are floats, there are pumps, there are pipes, there are filters.

That’s just the beginning.

If any of those items above, and so many more, aren’t working …

Yup. You guessed it.

Disaster strikes.

This is all the more reason to call Bartholomew Water Services today.

Our regular maintenance contract solves problems before they occur and at a fraction of the cost you might be imagining.

Do yourself a favor.

Don’t wait for the unthinkable to happen.