Avoid False Sonar Readings

Avoid False Sonar Readings

Avoid False Sonar Readings

Navy submariners aren’t the only people who use sonar.

Wastewater management experts use it, too.

Sonar readings can accurately show the water levels present in the wet well of your private sewer system’s lift station.

But they have to be treated with care.

For instance, sonar readings are notoriously unreliable when debris such as soils, fats, and greases have backed up your wet well.

This means that it’s best to have experts check your lift station regularly.

If you don’t, you could get a false sonar reading.

That leads to your wet well backing up.

Leading to a sewage surcharge.

Causing your pipes to leak or explode.

Which in turn well, you get the idea.

Property damages. Health crises. Insurance nightmares. Lawsuits.

Don’t let this happen.

My name is Dave Bartholomew.

My company, Bartholomew Water Services, is a three-generation family business that services all of Arizona, with a special focus on Maricopa County.

If you own a private sewer system and most Arizona residents do, even if they’re not aware of it call us today.

Our regular maintenance contract costs a fraction of what it will take to make things right when things go wrong.

Our most precious resource in the desert is water.

Don’t let yours slip away through your fingers.

Do yourself a favor.