Avoid Orphan Sewer Systems

Avoid Orphan Sewer Systems

Avoid Orphan Sewer Systems

The cost of having an orphaned sewer system in Maricopa County, Arizona can be astronomical.

An orphaned system is a system that has no officially designated operator.

The property developer thought the engineer would assign an operator.

The engineer thought the developer would assign an operator.

The property gets sold to a homeowner’s association (HOA) which, in turn, assigns it to a property management association.

Meanwhile, the owners are now liable under a routine audit by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ).

I’ve seen this happen time and again, and it’s heartwrenching.

My name is Dave Bartholomew. I’m the founder and CEO of Bartholomew Water Services, Inc.

If you live in Maricopa County, and if you even think you might have a problem with your water system call me.

We can answer all of your questions and operate your water system for you.

Your money, your time, and your water are far too precious to waste.