Death And Unqualified Water Experts

Death And Unqualified Water Experts

Death And Unqualified Water Experts

One day about ten years back, a group of unqualified “water experts” tried to fix a lift station.

They did what’s called a confined entry, and they did it improperly.

Basically, they sent a kid down into a wet well to see how the pumps were doing.

He was immediately overcome by hydrogen cyanide and hydrogen sulfide fumes.

In lethal doses.

To his credit, I suppose, the boy’s father went down in the well to try and save him.

Sadly, he was also overcome by the fumes.

As was his brother, who went down after both of them.

In the final tally, the father and brother died rescuing the boy who lived.

But this tragedy should never have happened.

Nor would it if you hired actual experts in wastewater management systems.

If you own a home or a business anywhere in Arizona, I want you to stop by our website today: bwsinconline.

Though you may or may not know it, you’re probably legally responsible for everything that happens in your sewer system.

Because, technically, you own it.

This means you need the right people looking out for it, lest something terrible happen.

My name is Dave Bartholomew.

My family-owned company, Bartholomew Water Services, helps plan, build, operate, and maintain water management systems throughout Arizona.

At Bartholomew Water Services, we know that an ounce of protection is worth a gallon of cure.