Examining Trusted Water Management Specialist

Examining Trusted Water Management Specialist

Examining Trusted Water Management Specialist

First, you have to know everything about how wastewater systems work.

You have to know what bad water is—how it moves, what its properties are—and how to transport it safely to a treatment center.

You have to know how pumps work.

Why a lift station is so important to get your wastewater off your site and dumped into the municipal sewer system?

You need to know how electricity works so you can change out vital equipment as needed.

You need to know all about confined space entry procedures so you don’t accidentally get caught in a pipe you’re reconnoitering.

Or the invisible danger of toxic gasses that could poison you or the entire surrounding community.

You need to know all about local and state regulations—why they’re in place, and how to follow them to protect both yourself and your client.

You need to train, train, train and study, study, study.

Then practice, practice, practice.

You need to earn more certifications than a leopard has spots.

Then only then are you ready to go out in the field and start protecting what is perhaps our most precious resource, water.

My name is Dave Bartholomew.

My family-owned company is Bartholomew Water Services.

We’re Arizona’s experts at planning, building, operating, and maintaining water management systems.

In our business, an ounce of prevention is worth many gallons of cure.

Stop by our website today to learn more about how we can save you money, time, and heartache: bwsinconline.com.