Understand Your Valve Vault

Understand Your Valve Vault

Understand Your Valve Vault

Guess what?

That square metal hatch you might see on the ground in your residential condo or commercial office complex?

That leads to your complex’s sewer system which your complex is totally, legally responsible for.

A lot of people don’t know this but, if you open that door, you’ll see two swing-arm valves.

They’re called check valves.

When those arms are up, that means water is passing through them.

When the arms are down, that means that the system’s shut off.

If those valves aren’t working, it means that your sewer system isn’t working.

Wastewater backs up. That’s when the smell hits. Pipes burst. Problems arise.

And believe me, that’s not good for anyone.


But honestly, why wait for catastrophe to happen?

You’ve heard this old saw, right? An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Translation, in this case: hire a wastewater expert to do a low-cost routine audit of your system.

My name is Dave Bartholomew.

My company, Bartholomew Water Services, is a three-generation family business that services all of Arizona, with a special focus on Maricopa County.

Do yourself a favor.

Plan ahead and call us today.

We’ll audit your wastewater management build for a fraction of the cost to repair it when something goes wrong.

In other words, we’ll save you money and headaches.

Now honestly, who wouldn’t want that?