Don’t Ruin Your Water Pipes

Don’t Ruin Your Water Pipes

Don’t Ruin Your Water Pipes

What’s the benefit of putting a water expert under contract at your homeowner’s association or property management firm?

Answer: so you never have a problem.

Most people think when you flush something down the toilet, that’s it. It’s gone forever.

Nope, so avoid messing up your water pipes.

Grease, cat litter, sanitary napkins, so-called “flushable” wipes, and even ordinary face tissues … none of that’s meant to go into your pipes.

Without proper maintenance, all that stuff will clog your pumps and filters.

That’s when disaster strikes.

You’re away from home and a pipe breaks. Or you’re hosting some friends for a holiday party and suddenly your bathroom toilet overflows.

The funny thing is you’ll save a lot of money if you do a routine check every so often.

My name is Dave Bartholomew. I’m the founder and CEO of Bartholomew Water Services, Inc.

If you live in the State of Arizona, and if you even THINK you might have a problem with your water system call me.

Your money, your time, and your water are far too precious to waste.