Waterwaste Isn’t A City Problem

Waterwaste Isn’t A City Problem

Waterwaste Isn’t A City Problem

I recently visited what I like to call Phoenix’s boom town, the valley out west of the city.

So much development’s taking place out there.

Seems like new projects are breaking ground wherever you look.

I’d been called to check up on a mixed-use residential-commercial property.

Condos coupled with office towers. A ton of complex infrastructure.

From a water perspective, that’s a lot of things that can go wrong if you don’t hire an expert.

My job on this particular site was to make sure the wastewater from all those buildings was dumped properly into the municipal sewer system.

Once that happened, it was the city’s problem.

Until that happened, the landowners were on the hook.

My name is Dave Bartholomew. My company’s name is Bartholomew Water Services.

If you’re a homeowner, head of a homeowner’s association, or a real estate developer, I hope you’ll give me a call.

In the long run, my company can save you money—either by helping you plan your system the right way or maintaining it once it’s been built.

Either way, you stand to profit.